Timekeeping & Timeclocks

Reduce costs by improving time management and eliminating errors.

Human Error Can Be Costly

The APA estimates that the rate of human error in timecard preparation and totaling is between 1% and 8%. Therefore, a conservative 2% error rate on a $12,000 payroll would equal $240 in erroneous wages.

Payroll Plus Time & Attendance

Software and support are necessary to collect, manage, and organize time data to process payroll.

Payroll Plus Time & Attendance is a mobile solution that reduces labor costs by improving time management and eliminating errors. You can easily track and manage punches and review and approve time cards and time-off requests. Payroll Plus Time & Attendance seamlessly integrates with Payroll Plus and connects to all major payroll services.

  • Intelligent clock technology helps eliminate duplicated or missed punches and errors when computing total hours and pay
  • Limit early clock in and restrict unplanned overtime with rules and alerts
  • Set custom rounding rules with # of minutes before and after a specific time
  • Empower employees with 24/7 access to time cards and PTO balances
  • Geofencing allows you to see who showed up at the right place and time
  • Meet the challenges of the mobile workforce head-on with a mobile app

Gatekeeper Lms.net – Timekeeping Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS allows businesses of all sizes to take advantage of the benefits of professionally hosted and managed services.

Thousands of companies around the world are transitioning from in-house software management to Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. The Gatekeeper lms.net features include time & attendance for payroll, leave requests, scheduling, accrual tracking, and report generation. These capabilities allow for improved productivity and profitability for your company with no required software to be installed on your network servers. Gatekeeper lms.net may be the perfect time clock solution for companies who do not have the IT support or want the added cost, work, or regulatory problems involved with operating their own system or managing third-party software, internal IT infrastructure, and software licenses.

  • Eliminate manual preparation of timesheets and time cards
  • Enable accurate reporting and reduce payroll inflation
  • Eliminate buddy punching and time theft
  • Reduce payments for unapproved or fraudulent overtime
  • Stay in compliance with State & Federal wage & hour regulations
  • Track eligibility for health care under the Affordable Care Act
  • Interfaces with all major providers of payroll services including PEO’s
  • Gives you the software, hardware, service, and support necessary to assure that your employee is paid timely and accurately
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